Political candidates have discovered they don't actually have to be moral, or ethical, anymore. “We found it so daunting. The reason we got into politics was to be able to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted to under the guise of helping others. Now we don't have to mince words anymore about pre-teen Thai Ladyboys, or the 'other-race' partner or fuckbuddy we're seeing on the side. We don't even have to hide our finances anymore, because the money we're getting from big business will take care of all those issues related to lawsuits and the environment.” When examined more closely by experts, it turns out more republicans are prone to paying extra-marital trannys for sex than their bleeding-heart opposers, liberals, who have found solace in heavy drinking, wife-swapping, and complaining about republicans.
1 comment:
It's about time, I say!
Gary Hart should have been able to have some high-sea hijinx with a blond hottie without having the press, those nosy bastards, putting the kybosh on his campaign.
Back in the 20s the press knew their place. Everyone knew that Roosevelt was a cripple, but reporters knew better than to talk about it.
Nobody knows just how much pressure our elected leaders experience so, if they want to blow off a bit of steam in a public airport restroom, who are we to raise a stink about it?
People say that kind of behavior isn't professional, but is it professional to bash them when they're having a hard time? Just leave our politicians alone! How dare anyone make fun of our politicians! They're humans! What you don't realize is that they're making lots of money for us. Leave them alone! Please! Anyone who has a problem with them, you deal with me! Leave them alone!
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