His colleague remarked, “They're 'jumping the shark.' It was coined when Happy Days was hemorrhaging viewers so they adopted a clever scheme to have Fonzie jump the shark and save the plummeting show.” “Hey, we should do that with congress and the senate, because no one is paying attention to laws anymore, because they're boring and don't let people do anything.”
Following this brief landmark conversation, the house and senate will pass a bill to push time forward five years, just to see what will happen. People will feel uncomfortable in the future, and will go back in time before the event horizon of the decision of the two houses, and before Desperate Housewives will air to save all humanity.
They will, perhaps, be reading this news article sometime in the near future, unless a paper boy in a DeLorean drunkenly swervedrives by and lobs it at their sprinklers.
They will, perhaps, be reading this news article sometime in the near future, unless a paper boy in a DeLorean drunkenly swervedrives by and lobs it at their sprinklers.
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