“I am tired of these swineheimers thinking they can get away with pulling the wool over the eyes of the American public, people who are very discerning and particular about their artistic, and musical tastes. Look at the National Endowment For the Arts. It's enough to fuel a small country. People can do what they want, when they want with those monies, and to waste such prime advertising money on people who claim they can sing, but can't; well, we have a solution for it, a final solution.”
Home Depot is donating thousands of cubic feet of Lime, IBM is donating millions of Hollerith punch cards, Hallmark and Costco are donating 6% of every purchase you make to this very worthy cause.
Home Depot is donating thousands of cubic feet of Lime, IBM is donating millions of Hollerith punch cards, Hallmark and Costco are donating 6% of every purchase you make to this very worthy cause.
1 comment:
As a Jew I find this to be highly offensive. These so called 'final solutions' are never as final as one hopes. Look at the mess in Palestine.
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