More and more heterosexual men are enduring the labor-intensive art of buggery, a new study shows. "We know it's the 21st century, we know 'the gays' have inundated our airwaves, educating us to their ways; and, though we do it, we're still not sure how," says one man from Boise, ID. "We're not going to watch some fag porn just to learn how, and we have to get our girlfriends drunk to do it, but by god if that's what it takes to be metrosexual and convince them we're not homophobes, we're willing to do what the cocksuckers do in order to get some sweet, sweet pussy." Greek men the world over have been airlifted in to assist these despondent men, but the men are continuing to wake up dazed and without recollection of the events the night before, and with sore rectums. The Greek men have since been found at LAX, driving cabs.
A little known fact in the gay community is that many 'straight' men enjoy sodomy, both giving and receiving, in a committed heterosexual relationship. "I don't mind when my wife straps on the strap-on, as long as she holds me after," said a decidedly hetero porker. "Sometimes, when she wants me to do her, I feel so dirty, but part of being married is compromise."
The tired, old stereotype that all Greek men are corn-holers should really be retired. I'm sure that there are lots of Greek men who've never fucked another man, or been fucked by one. I don't know any, but I'm sure they're out there. Also, by dissemenating (sic) this myth, you're doing a disservice to Turkish and Cyprian men are trying to get in on the action.
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