Several days before the event, The Golden Globe website announced this year's winners online to help fans avoid the embarrassment of actually having to watch the show. Sporting a double breasted Golden Globe dress, Anne Hathaway was quickly whisked off the stage and given a beating the likes of which Rodney King could not have predicted.
“I didn't know the Golden Globe design was trademarked,” she whimpered. A spokesman for the third world nation of the Golden Globes commented. “She lives in a first world country, she knows how it works. Everything is owned by someone, and if that stupid bitch is going to feign ignorance of it, the bitch is getting a beat-down.”
People were just as horrified as it was announced before the show that Sean Penn did not actually get deep-dicked in the movie “Milk.” “I was hoping to see some barebacking action, like Heath Ledger did to that fag in 'Brokeback Mountain,'” a fundamentalist mother of three from Spokane, Wa., commented. Again, this year, sorrow for the Golden Globes trying to measure up to its' inferior, The Oscars.