Thanks to genetically modified Octopi, there can be turkey legs for everyone! When asked to comment, Barbie Flo from the Smokey Mountains chortled, “When I ain't cookin' a Thanksgivin' feast, I gotta git out the back and whup up some pig grease so Ol' Joe here can gimme a pearl necklace, so If'n it means less work from me, Hell Yeah! ” She then scratched her breast, and passed wind. Joe-Bob Tremaine, her common law husband chimed in. “Them'in Chinese is always comin' up with somethin' new agin the word of the lord; but hell, you cain't blame'um, they eat so much sushi. 'Course'n now I gotsta wait till my birthday fer the pearl necklace. Damn Chinese.”
The inventor of the specialized Octopus, Montrose, refused to comment on those being interviewed, but notioned a form of chicken flavored sushi would soon be available on the European market.
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