"Laid off" Detroit Motor City workers are being retrained and employed as food technicians. Mrs. Maria Gonzalez says,“Why are these workers leaving their jobs because they've had too much sex? They should just stay there to be with their families. I go to church every Sunday and I know if you pray hard enough, the Lord will get you your job back! My sister Maria worked at McDonald's, and she was laid off for having an affair with her boss. She prayed, and 3 days later she got another job at a different McDonalds. She says her new boss is cute! See? You can get what you want if you pray hard enough, and Jesus thinks you are a good person.” Unfortunately, once hired, the workers were immediately laid off because local people did not have any money to buy fast food.
1 comment:
That's so true. My sister got laid off for turning tricks in the kitchen at the McDonald's where she worked. It's so hard to hang on to a job in the current economic climate!
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