Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cranium Southeast Asian Edition Board Game Released

This isn't your everyday Cranium. It has more twists and turns than a Burmese Opium run. Though game play remains basically the same, the board has been revamped to be more suitable for its release in Southeast Asia. These are the fundamental differences:
Word Worm: Leave the old Tijuana donkey show behind. A bull's penis will test your opponent's stamina.
Data Head: Monkey brains are far more delicious when chilled. But don't eat the Pineal Gland, it's just garnish.
Creative Cat: This cat ain't going anywhere, except maybe a frying pan.
Star Performer: Remember this lady ain't no lady, but a ladyboy. Remember kids, always get tested for STD's before taking your next turn!
Sales have been slow this Christmas Season, but expect to pick up for the New Year.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Germany's next top Superfetishist

Last week DW-TV, Germany's international t.v. station launched a sister show to America's Next Top Model by unveiling Germany's Next Top Superfetishist. “The difference between the two shows,” one spin doctor complained,” is that the models being denigrated will not have their surgeries completed. Those going in for DaVinci veneers in their mouths will be leaving without teeth. Collagen injections to the lips will be horrifically distorted, and tummy tucks will be left unsutured. We decided this show should be most suited to automatons Germans are most likely to masturbate to. This is why Heidi Klum left.” The show has topped the ratings, and Negerküsse sales have gone through the roof.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey He/She Debacle

Scientists have discovered the breasts of the Tom Turkey are 50% larger than the male wild turkey, however their brains are 30% smaller, which affects higher brain functioning. “We've found this in all mammals, including humans,” says one scientist as he completed his crossword puzzle. Additionally, the male Tom Turkey has problems mounting female turkeys because of his size and intelligence, which scientists has found to be true of all mammals as well, including humans.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks Be To God For A GM Thanksgiving

Thanks to genetically modified Octopi, there can be turkey legs for everyone! When asked to comment, Barbie Flo from the Smokey Mountains chortled, “When I ain't cookin' a Thanksgivin' feast, I gotta git out the back and whup up some pig grease so Ol' Joe here can gimme a pearl necklace, so If'n it means less work from me, Hell Yeah! ” She then scratched her breast, and passed wind. Joe-Bob Tremaine, her common law husband chimed in. “Them'in Chinese is always comin' up with somethin' new agin the word of the lord; but hell, you cain't blame'um, they eat so much sushi. 'Course'n now I gotsta wait till my birthday fer the pearl necklace. Damn Chinese.”
The inventor of the specialized Octopus, Montrose, refused to comment on those being interviewed, but notioned a form of chicken flavored sushi would soon be available on the European market.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Women and children in need of a good thrashing

“Why should it be women and children who are spared in times of war? They're just as guilty as the rest of us who live in whatever country that's being invaded,” says one executed man from an economically insignificant country. “I mean, some women get raped and stuff, so at least they're getting some. Where's my rapist? I just get murdered. What a load of crap.”
This issue became relevant when a member of a first world country stood up. “I never took the ears off a women or a child to make into a necklace during 'Nam, just Old Charlie. The few rapes I committed against pre-teen girls didn't even count 'cause I didn't get to kill them. I mean, what the fuck?” United Nations is now addressing this very sensitive issue and will include this within the parameters of ethnic cleansing, and one's props within those guidelines during times of wealth redistribution.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stars Destined For Boredom

Several movie stars have actually died from boredom. “We got all the money and approval we couldn't give to ourselves, and now there seems nothing left,” says one film star who wants to remain moderately anonymous, until it goes prime time. “We try drugs, we get deals for celebrity rehab, we try suicide, and someone names a hospital wing after us. We bait stalkers to reel us into their murder/suicide pact. I'm done.” Stay-at-home moms are now puzzling through the link between fame and merchandising through a mail order course in marketing.

Monday, November 24, 2008

HIV Mothers Charged

HIV positive mothers are being charged with infecting their unborn babies with the HIV virus. “I had unprotected sex with a man near me knowing I was HIV positive to show my baby, if it survives, the horror I have to live through every day.” says one woman living in rural Springfield. “The worst part of it is, I won't know until it's born whether I should have aborted it midterm because it would be born without the virus.” Other women aren't as lucky as this one, however.
“I became pregnant, and didn't realize I was HIV positive, and now am charged with attempted murder,” says Xiang Lee, of Guizhou province. “Now there has been talk of harvesting my body parts for sale on the black market by an American organ harvesting corporation.”

Sunday, November 23, 2008

iPot Goes Chronic

In mental health news, the introduction of iPot on the populous has sent mental health practitioners reeling. Smoking medicinal marijuana while listening to an iPod has returned the same results as smoking illegal marijuana whilst doing the same thing. “We thought medicinal marijuana would have a different effect,” claims Herbert Mainswaring from Johns Hopkins University. “We knew the name of the 'chronic' pot was the same, but we didn't think it would have the same effects.” Smokers of this new form of marijuana were elated to find this out, dismissing their plans to return to their medical marijuana distribution farmacy's catchily-named price-gouging tactics and return to their street-saavy gun-slinging dealers who have more market share, and can wheel deals in bulk for a higher quality farmaceutical.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pope Bans Olympics

Some nations have decided not to host the Olympics, ever. An ambassador from Vatican City, the smallest country in the world, commented on behalf of the Pope. “Our tunics and ridiculous hats make it impossible to ever win any medals, so why fucking bother?” He adds, "This is why the Majesterium has deemed this event unholy." Devout members of the church have since organized Olympic Merchandise burnings bigger than when John Lennon said of the Beatles, "We're bigger than Jesus."

Friday, November 21, 2008

Man Sues Over Downloaded Movie

A man from Toledo, Ohio has launched a multi-million dollar lawsuit for a movie he downloaded off the Internet, claiming the movie has caused him undue pain and suffering. “They spent ten of millions of dollars on this movie, and it was so bad I demand the full amount of the production in compensation.”
A spokesperson for the movie company has said that the trailer for the film made viewers fully aware of the scope of the production, and that the man's claims are unwarranted. “We can't sue him because it will make us look like pricks,” says one movie bigwig,” but I'll be damned if we're going to give someone money for this bullshit feel good movie we were just trying to make a few bucks off cause our cocaine shipment was intercepted by the CIA.”
The man has dropped the lawsuit, but has since employed hackers to crash every workstation at the company on a daily basis so this will never happen again.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Study Links Alcoholism to Irish

A recent scientific study has linked liquor to alcoholism in the Irish. A bar in Killerny, Ireland was observed for a period of over ten minutes, and several renowned dressmakers have come to the conclusion that liquor does indeed contribute to alcoholism in the Irish. “Other factors pointed us away from our findings,” said one woman, “but in the end the more stuporous the subjects became, the more we noticed glasses of what can be described as none other than alcohol.”
The Irish then gathered en masse and swung their fists in a drunken rage at the women, beating them to death in the street whilst dancing a jig like the Lucky Charms guy.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

North Africans “Too Black”

84% of North Africans feel they are “too black” for western culture and are continuing to thrive in shantytowns, protesting laconically. However, one man, Ubu Aduba, had something to say about it. “We don't have any resources economic hit men of multi-national European corporations can covet, we don't have any education to run their toxic textile mills and synergistic electronics companies, and our skin is too dark to blend in with their honky-assed fascist democracy even if we didn't drown trying to boat our way to Italy. I mean, what the fuck? No wonder they're not here stealing more than just diamonds from our people. I say 'Fuck'em!'”
As he signaled, his compatriots nodded blankly at the cameras, as they could not understand him. Fortunately, a valuable metal has just been found in North Africa, and so our surly African neighbors will be paid a visit very, very soon.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

China Bio-Engineers Peasantry

Decades of the euthanization of female babies in China heralds in a new race of genetically engineered and potentially dangerous Superpeasant, who is allegedly more shiftless and plaintive than ordinary peasants. Most of these lazy ne'er-do-wells are discovering a kind of "special friendship" in a park in the center of Beijing. Ladies fashion, however, has not been so lucky. Cosmologists have been hardest hit. "We can't even find jobs in make-up consulting, so we're being forced to move on to massage parlors in Thailand."

Monday, November 17, 2008

Motor City Goes Fast Food

"Laid off" Detroit Motor City workers are being retrained and employed as food technicians. Mrs. Maria Gonzalez says,“Why are these workers leaving their jobs because they've had too much sex? They should just stay there to be with their families. I go to church every Sunday and I know if you pray hard enough, the Lord will get you your job back! My sister Maria worked at McDonald's, and she was laid off for having an affair with her boss. She prayed, and 3 days later she got another job at a different McDonalds. She says her new boss is cute! See? You can get what you want if you pray hard enough, and Jesus thinks you are a good person.” Unfortunately, once hired, the workers were immediately laid off because local people did not have any money to buy fast food.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Movie Catch Phrases Cowardly

Catch phrases from older major motion action/ adventure pictures once heralded as clever and empowering are today considered cowardly and self-aggrandizing. “I recall using 'Make my day,' and 'I'll be back' on a number of occasions when my boss got all uppity with me,” remarks one man, now dying of prostate cancer. “Now I wished I had just been man enough to massage my prostate to have prevented it.” On the lighter side of things, his wife has commented on how happy she is she won't have to hear phrases like that anymore very, very soon. Movie moguls have since found out about the incidents and have launched a full-scale lawsuit against the man for trademark infringement.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mom Discovers Internet

A middle-aged mother of five on welfare has discovered the Internet. “When my oldest came home with a computer he had beaten out of a client who owed him money, I didn't know what to expect at first. I'm so used to being on the other side of the screen, people telling me I'm not qualified for this, or I can't have this-or-that amount of money. Now I've discovered I can get credit cards, shop on-line, and even get movies and music—and it's all free!”

Friday, November 14, 2008

Epicanthal folds cause “China Driving”

Epicanthal folds are proving to be a leading cause in what Asians are calling “China driving.”
“We're outraged at these Asians who think they can accrue family honor points by driving so carefully. We've had enough!” says one Hiragana Matsumoto. “I speed, cut people off, and shout obscenities on a regular basis to combat the absurdity of it all.” Opposers like Hiragana, to decry this dreaded disease, are applying “no china drivers” stickers on their rear car windshields to discourage such nervous and dangerously overcautious driving.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recumbent Exorcism Priests

In order to bring people back to the church, Father John-Paul Demarchos has been performing exorcisms on his own exercise bicycle. “Not only should these people fear larger thighs and tummies, they should also fear hell. And with recumbent exorcisms, they can come back again and again after only days of wage slavery and environmental plundering to renew their bond with God."
"People think that salvation just happens," he adds," but without proper exercise, you are lost."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Adolescent “Pwned”

An adolescent girl from Chicago, Il, has overused pwned so repeatedly that she was beaten to death by her friends. “She just wouldn't shut up. We'd play a video game, she'd say it. We'd go to the mall, she'd say it. We'd go swimming, she'd say it. We had to put a stop to it,” says one of her friends, her identity withheld because she is a minor. “I don't know what to say,” remarks her boyfriend of 3 years, a senior at Chicago University. “She'd put out on a regular basis because I bought beer for us all the time. What am I going to do for sex now? I'm devastated.”

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Racist Humor “Not Funny” Anymore

Racist humor has been discovered to be “not as funny” as earliest sociologists predicted. “We first thought it was a way of one group or race to bond better with one another, through hate crimes, and graffiti, phone threats and state laws,” says one slightly interested scientist. “ It seemed like it would really work. It turns out it just really pisses everyone off.”

Monday, November 10, 2008

That's Incredible! Not really incredible

After thirty years of studies costing roughly twenty million dollars, the hit television show of the 70's, That's Incredible!, Turns out to not really be that incredible after all, and thousands of lawsuits launched against the parent company still owning the rights to the show are pouring in from all corners of the globe. Viewers in Uzbekistan seem to be the hardest hit.
One mother of three comments. “It's totally ridiculous. Their hair styles are from the 70's, there is far too much smiling, and far too much inexplicable and thoughtless laughter.”

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pleidians Attack!

Scientists discover an alien race, the Pleidians, are here not to offer their advanced way of life to us, but to steal our information about the universe!
“We spoke to several people who wear those metal pyramids on their heads, and confirmed through their second-hand data that the Pleidians are indeed trying to steal our information. The information comes to us through our electronics and computers as infotainment, or advertising. It's scientifically calibrated to make us interested in home shopping channels, and the news."
"Luckily, spam, blogs, and text messaging has thwarted their efforts so far by clogging their data stream so completely the only thing they have been able to take control of are the world's governments and leaders; which, due to the advent of LCD and Plasma screens no one seems to be paying attention to anymore anyway. “

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Yuppies Adopt for Gifts/Attention

Young professional couples who cannot care for a child through to adulthood are adopting HIV infected orphans from third world countries. John and Jane Abernathy are one such couple.
“They're just so adorable, and thanks to the HIV virus, we'll always remember them that way.” Jane teared briefly, while John glanced up from his iPhone.
“When Mbutu passed away last fall, it was so incredible to have the outpouring of love from total strangers. We got time off work, we got cash, and gifts from people we didn't even know. We got so many Starbucks gift cards we started auctioning them on eBay. The best thing after the tragedy was to know we could have another child so quickly if we decided not to go on vacation.”
“That sounds really rough. But, let me ask you, would you adopt another HIV positive infant again?”
“Well, if there's one thing we've learned from the experience is you don't want to adopt until they become seriously ill, otherwise it could be decades before you have free time again. ”

Friday, November 7, 2008

Men Spite Women “But Good”

More and more men are having sex with other men out of spite, because women are refusing to sleep with them. When asked, one fraternity brother from the University of Wisconsin comments. “It's just easier to get drunk and have some fag blow you while you watch straight porn than to try and jump through all the hoops just to get a bad blowjob, or none at all at the end of the night. And they're free!” When asked for comment, one woman replied,”If he's not going to let me super-size it, there's no reason I should go out of my way to swallow something that tastes like Brie.”

Thursday, November 6, 2008

“Ugly Betty” Election Fraud

Hilda Suarez, from the famed television hit show Ugly Betty, was taken into custody today after violating California Elections Code section 18521 (b), a law designed to stop people from being bribed with alcohol, food, or money. She wantonly, and without disregard for her paying customers, gave a 10% discount on slutty Brooklyn hairstyles to people “who had their stickers that they voted” on. In her defense, she retorted, “Oh no you di'n't! Starbucks is doing it, and you better call'em be-tch or I'm going ape-shape on your ass!”

When reached for comment Starbucks reminded authorities they did not require the sticker, and stated all people had to say was,”I voted,” so they weren't violating any law, but trying to excite and support the democratic process. Thousands of people filed lawsuits today in civil court against Starbucks who had gotten free cups of coffee but had lied to get them, as they didn't feel voting was actually worth a cup of crappy coffee, and therefore assert Starbucks was slandering their good names for making them lie, and drink their coffee.

Note: The editor of this article has since been sued by all parties for libel, and when court documents were received he ejaculated on them, shoved them in his mouth, and shouted with a muffled tone, “Festival! Festival!”

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Voting “Counts”

When people saw the “voting day” banner on Google's search engine this morning, they came out in throngs; it was a day where people thought their vote finally counted, even though they knew nothing of the issues or measures on the ballots.

In Long Beach, Ca. curtains were removed from the voting booths, and bystanders were allowed to wander in and glance over the shoulders of voters, offering advice and critiques on ballot measures. Juanita Esperanza was there.

"Everyone was very nice. They told me what the measures meant, and then how to vote. When these men in dark suits even ticked the boxes for me, I felt like finally my vote counted. And I'm not even a citizen of the U.S.!”

However, some people were not so lucky, as intoxicated homeless people peppered some voting locations, pointing and laughing at voters, asking for spare change and exposing their genitalia. “I personally put a stop to that in my district myself,” said Chamber of Commerce member Alexis Winters from Garden Grove, Ca. “We closed the polling booths, had the police come in and beat the homeless back into the alleys, and I personally had to fill out thousands upon thousands of ballots myself. But I'm a proud member of this city, and I'm willing to do that. I voted for the candidates and issues clearly likely to win.” No one seemed to mind.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Assassination is “Passé”

Hitmen have been found to be lackadaisical in their approach to modern assassinations. "Realistically we don't have the time nor effort to put into an assassination these days. Too many electronic and surveillance devices are preventing us from doing our job.” The Guild of Assassins has not commented yet, but several reporters who had been investigating this case are unaccounted for.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Boozy Brit Stabs Olympic flag Bearer

Horatio Chumley-Warner, from Watford, England, stumbled out of the bleachers of the 2008 Olympics and allegedly slashed at a female Croatian flag bearer with a broken beer bottle, calling her a bitch, and ranting that she stole some money from him. He was given more beer, and a Croatian flag which he later urinated on. A group of his intoxicated countrymen cheered him on, subsequently commenting how they though it was part of the opening ceremony.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Supreme Court Gag Order

The Supreme court handed down a landmark gag order on intoxicated heterosexual men that perform fellatio on other men either for money or approval. All other occurrences are to be considered incidental in nature with regards to performing same-sex acts of fellatio merely for pleasure. Bisexual men remain unaffected by this gag order.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Plantronics Releases Ebonics Headset

Plantronics is releasing an Ebonics bluetooth headset for cellular phones. This new headset allows the suburban user to modify their speech via their cellular phone into Ebonics, so uneducated felons on the other side can understand them. The most riveting feature is it works both ways, so American businessmen can finally communicate with the rap artists they are economically taking advantage of.