Thursday, January 1, 2009

Credit Card Sales Soar

People who are tired of having to pay off their credit cards have finally found a solution. “I just keep raising my credit limit and pay off the minimum every month. Once they reject raising my limit again, I'll just default on the loan and get another card at a higher interest rate. I live in a rental. What are they going to do, sue me for my 1993 Toyota Camry? Just try it fuckers.”
Many people are following this man's advice, charging anything they want, even things they don't need in order to break down a system that no longer works for them.
One woman claims, “Hell, I even got credit cards for my kids by having my son hack in the Social Security Administration and create new social security numbers so I can get more cards. They want me to charge more? Hell yeah!” Since then projections for suicides in February due to credit debt from Holiday spending have plummeted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to the Poor Richard adage, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." Living within one's means is responsible. Spending more than you earn, with no hope, intention, or plan of paying it back is theft, just like illegally downloading first run movies from the internet.