Saturday, January 10, 2009


The House of UnAmerican Activites (NSA) announced today it has been clandestinely monitoring the blogs of hundreds of millions of Americans, claiming it answers to no one, and no longer has to abide by the laws of the United States, nor the Declaration of Independence. "We do not declare people to be free in this country anymore, and so we've burned the Declaration," says one spokesman, sucking on a large Jamba Juice Mega Mango smoothie.
One detractor stood up, and shouted, "What gives you the right to imposed your beliefs on us?" The NSA operative responded by producing a gun, and, firing it, chortled, "This."
Another man shouted to the crowd behind him, "Isn't anyone going to do something about this?!"
A woman laughed, citing, "I got my Economic Stimulus payment, and I don't even work. So, the answer is NO."
Those around her laughed, and went back to their shopping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you hear that Macy's is having another 'one day sale'? All their xmas stuff is on clearance, but the super expensive Coach stuff is regular price.