Saturday, December 20, 2008

Religious Zealotry Tied To Religious Zealots

A recent study of zealotry has been tied to religious zealots. “Once we had the data in, we knew we had our man,” expounds one scientist. “We cornered him in the alley behind a 7-11, numbers very close to 9-11, and beat him mercilessly until he admitted to being a religious zealot.”
The guilty party, Reginald Faltress, in a pool of his own filth and blood, exclaimed, “I just wanted to get a Slurpee. I've been here all day peddling, and I wasn't even going to buy liquor with the money. Now they made me drop my Slurpee, and I have no money to buy another one.” He began to weep. The scientists fled before they could respond to any more questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the Scientific Method!